Dregon Ball Z S1 Episode 2

 Dregon Ball Z Episode 2:

(Reunion )

 "The Enemy Is goku's Brother The Secret Of Mighty Saiyan Warrior's "

oh my god he he he"have a tail just like go on just like i did that's ...........?

yea that's right very good you finally realize who i am uhh ...

hey look i dont know what are you talking about okay ohh i see really oww come on kakarote have you been on this planet so long that you forgetten even that hey my memory is fine and you can quit calling me this tack of whatever it is you're saying my name is goku huh.........what the hell happened to you kakarote hey gohan dad say you stay back .......hey aaaaaa i wont go back dad hey tell me did you ever suffer any serious belows to the head when you were young huh what are you stupid-im asking did you ever hit your head when you were a kid now answere me huh Ooo me yes-but it was when i was really little i don't remmber anything about it "

 i see that explains it explains ........what"what"what" do you mean goku there's something your grandfather told me once that i think you should know a long time ago your grandpa kohan walking through the woods when he came upon a strange object appeared to have fallen from the sky when he went examine it more closely he found a  baby boy with a tail sealed inside a littel round pod gohan decided to take the child home and raise him as his own but the boy ...........had an angry vioent nature and before long the old man  was at his wits end then one day there was a terrible accident.

 the child fell into a deep ravine and hit his head the  injury was nearly fatal but somehow miraculously the boy survived what's more after that he was no longer violent from that day on he become a happy loving boy ......that boy was me wasn't it yes but if thats true then what does it.mean are you saying the goku and this guy have some kind of connection how's that even possible yeah it's time to explaining first who are you lets start at the top the truth is you're not of this world kakarote you were born on a distant planet called vegeta home ......

the saiyan race the most powerful warrior in the universe you are one of haha and as for you're other questions my name is dradis and im your elder brother huh "what goku has a brother it's gotta be a joke .if it is it's not funny ......it's crazy .if  goku is really an alien like he says whats he doing on earth its not understand kakarote was sent to this world with a simple mission not ling after he was born to destroy every human being on the planet what we saiyan may be a proud warrior race but we're also businessman we scour the universe in seach of planet's with habitable environtments and then use our skills to eliminate the native -life forms once cleared the planets are then sold to any alien race .

thats willing to pay the price for those planets whose inhabitants have high power levels adult saiyans are sent in to subdue the territroy but to planets like this one whose life-forms are pathetic and weak we send our infants this is how you come to be here kakarote even by yourself a year or two was more then enough time to liquidate thase human pests you could have done it easily if you hadn't lost your memmory especially considering the massive size of the moon here.uhh what hey what are you talking about what does the moon have to do anything dont play domp you must know you've lived on this planet your entire life the full moon teacher is unlocking a saiyans true potential .

(Applause )"

huh maybe i am domp because you still aren't making any sense what duh kakarote your tale excuse me what happened to your tail that it got cut off a long time ago whats it matter now you fool how could you do that kakarote huh you even know what you've done that explains that you've been able to fit in so well with these miserable humans that's enough even if it is true and im some kind of alien form another planet or even if you are really my elder brother it doesn't matter anyone who do the horrible things you say is no brother of mine ,,,,,,,,,

my name is goku and this is my home and you're not welcome here tell him goku thats right  you heard the man whatever his past goku is one of us now in fact hes a batter human being then any of us he saved the entire world before would an alien warrior do that i dont think so im afraid it will take more then a shouty to convince me to leave power ful though we are we saiyan have never been strong in number whats more our proud race was almost wiped out entirely when a gaint meteor struck  our home planet vegeta there weren't any survivors everyone was vaporized that includes our mother and father kakarote counting you there are only four left in the universe who were ups stay in descent i was away assignment with another of our warrior when the meteor hit we lived a third day and also survived he'd been sent to conquer a distant planet like you were recently what happened upon an inhabited world that we think could fetchus a nice but there 's just one tiny problem even with all three of us it won't be an easy fight .....

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